Singing Guide: Brandi Carlile

Singing Guide: Brandi Carlile

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Brandi Carlile

If you want to sing like Brandi Carlile, you're in the right place. With her unique folk-rock style and powerful vocals, she has gained worldwide recognition. In this article, we'll explore some of the techniques that make her voice stand out and provide tips on how to hone those skills. Plus, you'll find links to some practical exercises and resources on Singing Carrots to help you improve along the way.

Technique Breakdown

Brandi Carlile has a distinctive style that incorporates a wide range of techniques. Below we will highlight some of the techniques that she employs that make her voice stand out.

Vocal Range

Carlile's voice has a wide range and she can move seamlessly from low notes to ear-piercing highs without showing any sign of effort. You can get some help with analyzing your vocal range by taking Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test.

Chest Voice

Carlile blends her chest voice beautifully with falsetto and head voice. You can start developing your chest voice by taking the Chest Voice Explained tutorial on Singing Carrots or using the pitch game in Pitch Training.

Breath Control

Carlile also uses excellent breath control to create the dynamics in her songs. Active and passive breathing exercises are fundamental in developing this. Take a Singing Carrots lesson on Breathing Basics and Breath Support to achieve better breath control.


Finally, one of the most distinctive aspects of Carlile's vocal style is the emotion that she injects into every note. She displays her emotions passionately through her voice with every song. Explore the lesson on Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking to learn effective emotional singing.

Songs for Inspiration

As aspiring singers, it is also essential to study the songs of your favorite artists. Brandi Carlile is known for intensity, passion, and sincerity. Here are three Brandi Carlile songs that demonstrate her unique vocal style that you should consider studying:

  1. The Story
  2. The Joke
  3. Wherever is your heart

Final Words

Brandi Carlile is an incredibly talented singer-songwriter known for her remarkable vocal style. With the tips and resources provided in this article, you'll learn how to hone in on the various techniques that make her voice stand out. So, what are you waiting for? Take action, study her songs, and use Singing Carrots resources to start practicing today.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.